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SkillTemp 技能網

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Youduud Limited

skillTemp provides a platform for all users to share skills – allowing Skill Providers to capitalize their skills and customers to look for for the suitable services nearby them.

You might not be an A student in college, nor a programming expert in a corporation. What you could be is a magician who may bring joy to children, a superb tennis player who may coach a starter, or a makeup artist who may apply makeup for people in special occasions. Whatever talent you may possess, upload it to skillTemp which may earn you an extra source of income.

• Setup your profile – enter your skills and describe yourself
• Search for different types of services – convenient and effective
• Choose the best Skillist – based on ratings and skillist profile
• Submit service request – send request to the desired provider and arrange for the service
• Initiate the Service Timer – allow the customers to rate your service
• Time saving – locate Skillist nearby at any time

Become a fan of skillTemp on Facebook:
Comment and Enquiry: [email protected]


skillTemp 是一個技能分享平台,讓各位技能高手能夠發揮所長,提高搵銀機會;亦能讓用戶尋找在他們附近合適的服務,互惠互利。

正所謂天生我才必有用。您可能不是一位成績優秀的學生,或不是一位專業程式編寫員。不過,你可能是一位帶給小朋友無限歡樂的魔術師,一位出色的網球教練,或是一位化妝師能為出席不同場合的人士化出美麗的妝容。只要你有一技之長, 都可以把個人專長以及簡介上載到skillTemp,爭取一展所長及賺到額外收入的機會。

•搜尋各種不同的服務 – 服務便捷, 用得其所
•找出合適的技能高手 – 通過評價及個人簡介挑選
•提交服務請求– 向合適的服務提供者發出服務請求
•開啟服務時計 – 讓顧客為服務評價
•節省時間 – 在何時何地都可搜尋附近的技能高手

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意見及查詢:[email protected]